
About Jasvir

Jasvir Kaur Rababan

is a Sikh Music Therapist and Community Leader whose unwavering compassion, wisdom, and dedication have all earned her the reputation as a service-centered visionary. Throughout the span of nearly two decades, she has garnered extensive experience in the ancient practice of Naad Yoga, armed with the knowledge imparted upon her by her trusted mentor, Yogi of Sound Professor Surinder Singh. To this day, she continues to be the only Sikh woman who is breathing life back into this sacred healing practice across the globe.

A strong believer of solidarity and giving back to her community, Jasvir established KaurVoices, a safe space that provides heart-centered advocacy to courageous individuals who have endured trauma. Ultimately, this platform grants a voice to those who have felt silenced for far too long. Creatively driven, she also serves as the Executive Producer of an award-winning documentary entitled, “Sikh Musical Heritage - The Untold Story,” which is now screening worldwide.

No matter what venture she undertakes, Jasvir Kaur Rababan’s primary mission is to awaken people to their greatest potential and show them that personal transformation isn’t only possible, it’s inevitable. By stepping into our best versions and being the love that we wish to see in society, we change not only ourselves but the world around us.